Myopia Control

Why is Myopia Control Necessary?

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is the most common vision problem in children, affecting at least one-third of all children and teens. Myopia progressively increases as your child’s eyes grow and become longer. Frequently the vision worsens through childhood and adolescent growth spurts, then stabilizes in young adulthood.

The doctors at Capitol Eye Care Center closely monitor children with myopia. Customized treatment to slow myopia progression, called myopia control, is available. Moderate to high myopia, called degenerative or pathologic myopia, progresses at a faster pace. It also increases your child’s risk of developing eye problems that can possibly lead to vision loss, such as retinal detachment, glaucoma, and cataracts.

Orthokeratology - Ortho-K, CRT

Orthokeratology refers to wearing specially designed contact lens molds (CRT/Ortho-K) at night. While your child sleeps, the molds gently reshape their cornea. Based on the research, wearing these lenses every night helps slow myopia progression. Many patients embrace the idea of enjoying vision correction without having to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses during the day. 

Orthokeratology may also be an ideal choice for adults who simply don't like the idea of any kind of corrective surgery but would like to be free of glasses and contact lens during waking hours. Talk to our knowledgeable staff to see whether Ortho-K makes sense for you or your child.

Multifocal Contact Lenses - MiSight, NaturalVue, Soft-Ok

Studies show that children wearing multifocal contact lenses benefit from good long-term results and a significant slowdown in myopia progression. Over the past several years, research has consistently demonstrated that soft multifocal contact lenses with a center-distance design not only slow the development of myopia but also help reduce the elongation of the eye, which is a key factor in the progression of the condition. These findings highlight the effectiveness of multifocal lenses as a proactive approach to managing myopia in children, offering both improved visual outcomes and a lower risk of myopia-related complications later in life.

Atropine eye drops: 

Low-dose atropine eyedrops are commonly used to slow the progression of myopia and help prevent severe vision problems. These drops are typically administered before bedtime. Recent studies suggest that combining atropine treatment with another myopia control method, such as multifocal contact lenses or orthokeratology, may have an additive effect, further decreasing the rate of myopia progression. This combination approach could offer enhanced protection against the long-term effects of myopia.

Myopia control testimonials   


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10:00 am-7:30 pm


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8:30 am-2:00 pm

